Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry is a story of white patriarchy and the constricting, demoralizing stereotypes of women in science and in life. But it is also the story of women’s strength, love, and the general complexity of people, men and women. The story keeps evolving and I stayed engaged for 390 pages. It’s a good read.

I can feel the weight of being on the receiving end of how others defined what was acceptable for me to express, to be and to do in my life. I can still feel the anger in my body at times. But it’s being replaced by my ongoing commitment to being me and to discovering who and what I am. I’m letting my experience of me evolve and change, looking inward rather than “out there.”

Books like these bring awareness to how things are and have been in the U.S. They help many see they are not alone. Hopefully, they also challenge men and women to look at how they’ve supported and/or have bought into these stereotypes . After all patriarchy couldn’t continue without support. Although this book focuses on gender bias, the same holds true for race, class and other controlling boxes we put folks in. But there is hope.

Here’s to our growing awareness and freedom!

Good Friday

  • “Men are dogs,” he said as he proceeded to tell me I didn’t measure up to all the porn films he’d been watching.
  • “..troops fighting in the restive northern region of Tigray (Ethiopia) are using rape as a weapon of war.” The Week, April 2, 2021
  • “I had to be like a dude to survive…I would really love the opportunity to understand my own femininity in a safe environment. I’ve never had that. ” Sharon Stone from Parade, Sunday March 28-April 4, 2021
  • “…male staffers with the ruling Liberal-National coalition set up a Facebook Messenger group to share photos and videos of sex acts performed inside the Parliament House (Canberra, Australia) The Week, April 2, 1021

I get angry. I rage. My heart breaks. Sometimes I just don’t want to live….not in a world like this.

Who am I as a woman? What is a woman apart from sex, being a mother, daughter, whore, an “it”?…How has the world, lost in sin, defined me? How have I bought in?

“Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” Jesus Christ

If Jesus could forgive our ignorance, that of man and woman, can I forgive myself for denying myself, for submitting, for being a “dude” to succeed? Can I forgive the men who play out their conditioned role of domination, sex kings and patriarchy so well?

Good Friday is about love. About Jesus knowing the Divine Truth of who we are, even when we don’t have a clue. This is the first year I’m seeing the crucifixion as hopeful. I can feel my heart soften, unlock, as I ask “What could be better than this world we are currently living in?” And, standing in the midst of this world, have the faith that God might just show me.

Dali’s The Cross

My shift about Good Friday was inspired by A case for Holy Week (no prayers, just this…) by Nadia Bolz-Weber