Do I blindly send back
what comes to me ?
One breath,
Sinking into
my own depths
I stop the

It’s hard these days not to react. Sometimes it’s the news. Or, maybe you just got that post on Facebook. Sometimes it’s just what a friend or family member says with such certainty. Our reaction is quick: maybe a feeling of hurt, anger, or fear. Our thoughts go to judgment, defense, self righteousness, rationalization.

Can we really believe these times are a blessing? I believe it’s a time to really experience the world around us. And, instead of getting upset, learning to go deeper. Learning to listen to the deeper wisdom of our hearts as to why we are here, why we are experiencing what we are. Learning to experience the Love that is constantly creating this incredible world around us.

I’m learning to pay attention to my heart while experiencing life. Learning to ask questions and to wait. I let the Light (God, Divine Presence, inner knowing…) come to me when I’m centered and listening. And, I’m aware when I’m pulled back into the thinking mind. The mind that’s been conditioned by all that came before me and by all the conditioning that started the moment I was born. A mind that serves me but doesn’t understand and can’t experience the truth of who I am.

This is not an easy process. My mind is strong, my fears can still be great. But I am coming to trust that as I become more aware, I really can see the world through Light of Love. Love is stronger than hate. I’m blessed to be living at a time when I’m knocked out of my comfort zone.

*Inspired by Medium’s Chalkboard prompt “Echo” by Richard L. Boyer.


  1. Cheryl DeBoard says


  2. Yes. Amen.

  3. Paulette Meier says

    Wonderful poem and reflection, Barb. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I’ve got what I need. I just need to dig deeper to find it. We’re stronger than we think. even though the world around us may stress weakness and despair.

  5. Lee Ann Austin says

    Grand slam!!!!! and during the World Series to boot. Go deeper and roll around in the vast sea of what is, pop up on top and rest in it, the vast ocean of infinity and the open sky of the mind. Trust in the unfolding of the truth. BELIEVE YOUR BODY. It never lies.