Do You Protect What you Love?

Zookeeper Chad

What do I love?
Family and my
Friends, my cat,
Trees, dancing,
1on1 conversations,
Writing, walking,
Watching the sky,
Feet in the dirt
And sometimes someone
for no good reason.

Does God love or
Is God’s love
expressing through
every living thing,
the earth, the cosmos…
Is God expressing
love through me?

Does God protect what God loves?

I like Zookeeper Chad*. He is trying to show us the wonderful animals he works with so we can love them. Then, if we love them, he hopes we will work to protect them. To me that means stop doing them harm, e.g., stop taking away their natural habitats, stop hunting them for sport or profit, watch what we buy/support, supporting them through our policies and laws.

We are conscious human beings who create our lives through our thinking, emotions, beliefs and choices. We were created with free will for a reason. We grow through experiencing life and through understanding the consequences of our thinking, our beliefs, and choices. Being protected against our own ignorance, selfishness, self-hatred, doesn’t lead to our growth. Being loved through it all does. God loves us.

*Zookeeper Chad