Illusion Confusion

What am I trusting?
overwhelmed with images
words that divide,
categorize, demean

pulling out of my own
what do i trust
whom do i trust

the world is filled with
pain, alienation, hunger
for not just food but
love, acceptance

looking out, looking in
emotional tornadoes
swirling dust
blocking vision

Only now, writing
do I remember
Focus on what is true
One Life, One Love

And know that Love
brings us through
lifts us up and ALWAYS
guides us if we listen.

In my head, my mind can’t figure it all out. Reading/watching the news is disorienting at best, painful at worst. The chaos, the push toward separation, excluding “the other”, blame, anger, racism, sexism, and more “isms” than I can learn. The suffering of those surviving floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, children at borders, that face of the woman hunched in the doorway lost, scared, hopeless…

Overwhelmed, my mind stops functioning. Fear starts to rise. My ego “i” can’t handle it.
I’m reminded I have to stop, go in and listen for that still, small Voice. The voice of God, Divine Intelligence, the Universe, unconditional love, Christ… I need to remember what is most important and trust it will lead me to right action. Trust….such a small word, such a huge shift in being.


  1. Kathleen Matthews says


  2. peter r freeman says

    All this is true,
    But the world is better than it has ever been.
    Billions lifted out of poverty, life expectancy increased, and much more.
    read ” The enlightenment Now” by Steven Pinker., and you will know that this is also true
    Bill Gates said that this is the best book he has ever read

    • Thanks Peter. I think your are right about the world being better than ever.
      This post is merely a slice of life, those times when we forget and can’t see past what isn’t working yet, what too often makes the news so to speak.
      And, the question of what does one do? For me it leads to a quieting of the mind and asking what makes sense vs. reacting out of fear or anger about things.

  3. This is unsettling. Where is the Spiritual insight?

  4. This is difficult to respond to briefly. The best I can do is say for me, it is spiritual to stay with what you are feeling/thinking in the moment (not getting into major stories of how things were or blame/self flagellation). Staying with the feelings/thoughts allows me to see them clearly and let them direct me to what is needed. In this case it was remembering that the egoic conditioned mind can’t solve problems at a higher spiritual level. It’s the inner wisdom/guidance we have access to that brings us new perspective and direction.

    To me skipping dealing with what we are feeling is akin to denial or trying to do a spiritual bypass of what is. It’s never worked for me.
    Like I said, this is the best I can respond in a short space.

  5. Bobby Ellis says

    You hit the nail on the head! That small voice within is our Devine guidance and it will never lead us astray. The problem is that we allow our ego mind to separate us from our Christ Consciousness with doubts!