Creating Works

Learn to listen to your heart, rest in your body, observe your thoughts.
Learn that you’re connected to each other and to a greater Whole.
Learn the power of intention.
Learn that self-awareness is required for freedom.

Creating works! Our ability to create invites us to discover what’s important and it leDSC02456ads us into becoming more of whom we already are.

  • We move from victim to choosing what we want in life.
  • We move from creating things to seeking meaning and peace.
  • We become suspicious of where our desires come from; we begin to listen to that “still small voice” of our hearts instead of the external demands, shoulds, old conditioning…
  • We begin to ask what Life wants from us.
  • We learn that we are often only given the next step.

In working with others:

  • We begin to understand everyone’s experience is a different piece of life’s puzzle, that every journey is unique.
  • We learn that what we react to in others is a reflection, something inside of us that needs attention.
  • We begin to experience Life as a dance between all living things…and we know we are not in charge

This is the journey into awareness, at least as far as I have come.IMG_0562