COVID’s Fault

I’m in a codependent relationship.
He’s a control freak.
He calls. I see what he wants.
He expects treats. I give them.
Magnanimously, he cuddles with me,
……I’m hooked.


Poem originally written in response to the Chalkboard prompt by Rhonda Marrone.

Life Flows*

My Spirit
rises and falls
Riding the waves
’til it rests
in this place
of now…
in peace, in love,
in freedom.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year, knowing for each of you only the highest and best.

  • originally published in Medium 1/1/2021


Life gives us challenges and gifts
Sometimes in the same package
Teaching us what’s important
Showing us who we are
The Life we didn’t plan
I’m thankful.

Today is Thanksgiving, a day to speak out loud all that I’ve been blessed with.
As I look back, look around, I know my life has been guided by a Wisdom greater than my own. I’m more at peace, happier, and more present than I ever thought possible. Through the hard times and the many, many, many times I was less than perfect, I know I was guided.

I’ve come to believe there is a Divine plan. I’ve had help from so many teachers and friends. There were all those serendipitous interactions that unexpectedly gave me what I needed or that steered me in a certain direction I could have missed.

May I continue to let go of what no longer serves me, and more importantly, what was never true to begin with. May I let go of my investment in myself, and rest in the awareness of our interdependence and oneness (in God, the Divine, Jesus, Love….).

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Not in Control

I don’t control the seasons,
but I’m not helpless.
I walk on the ground with care.

I felt lost in sadness and almost a despair these last few days. And then this morning, when I was meditating, this poem came. Not being in control doesn’t mean I’m helpless.

A friend told me how great these times were because it was a chance to practice what we believe. In the midst of all the chaos and negativity, I can choose what I focus on, what I want to embody, how I want to be in the world.

If in this moment I can be fully present…. right action will follow.

Reunion…and then there’s people


Letting go of others’
expectations and beliefs
I’m finally coming
home to my self.

Poem written in response to the Chalkboard prompt “reunion” by Chris Coolsma. 9.3.20

And then there’s people.* That relationship, the one that leaves you wanting a glass of wine or two or three.

The problem with “coming” is you aren’t there yet. You’re in that in-between space where you aren’t where you were, but you haven’t arrived to that place where you fly consistently from you inner guidance.

When I arrive, I believe I’ll be able to be with others without judgment, without defense. I resist the idea that I may move on and leave them. Why? Is it fear of being alone? Self-judgement because I should be able to hang with anyone? I mean Jesus did, didn’t He?

Maybe I’m not accepting others where they are, maybe I’m still trying to tweak them just enough so there’s no rub. Maybe, maybe, maybe….

Awash in “maybes,” I’m going to stop, breath and accept the not knowing. Get out of my head and trust it’s just the way it is right now. I know if I’m to see something or to do something, it will come to me. I just keep forgetting.

*no this isn’t you.

Birth day(s)

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Each day the same.
Yet unexpected.
I walk alone,
birthing friendship with Self, grass, birds, trees, smiles, nods…
Alone, the world holds me.

Written in response to the Medium’s Chalkboard prompt: Birthday By Dermott Hayes, April 9, 2020


We are heart
pounding beats of life
feeling the ocean in waves

letting go
I am more
available to what is

emerging through me
with my “YES”
to life & love

I am dance
the music plays
It moves through me


…it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough
I just knew too much”…
Does that make me crazy?”

besliter Port Charlotte, FL

On overwhelm seems the norm.
Out of control racism, sexism,
“other”isms, climate change…

I ache to know an answer.
My body gets heavy with the
not knowing. I want to pull back.

I ground myself in the dirt,
see what’s growing, listen
to the heartbeat of the earth.

I looked in a waiter’s eyes yesterday.
He seemed startled, he noticed.
Really seeing a person, a start.

*Gnarls Barkley – Crazy

I should know. I’ve taught courses on racism, sexism…how could I still get surprised? “I’m a good person, at least I strive to be.” Yet, like a fish in water that doesn’t see water, I’m in a culture where white is shown as intelligent, good, the norm; shown as the face of Jesus.
Others make the news in the crime section of the paper, serve us in restaurants, work in our yards.

Do we have the courage to look, to see clearly? to get over ourselves? Can we stop putting individuals into buckets of stereotypes? Can we work our own shadow and stop projecting our fear, our anger, our neediness onto others?
All “isms” have a history but we need to stop doing what we are doing today. See inequality as affecting the lives of people, not making them inferior, not making us better.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. “. Maya Angelou


Questions drive me
What am I?
What am I not?
What do I know is true?

Moving away from
those who proclaim to know
I’m listening to a different voice.

One deep inside
that whispers next steps
demands my unconditional yes
reveals my deepest heartfelt desires

One demanding
I strip bare, stepping away
from my conditioned self to

Sculpture by Debbie Flowers

seek the truth of where
my ideas have come from.
Examining the unexamined,
trusting myself, risk going it alone.

Our world is too much run by fear
too much by the conditioning of others,
the norms they’ve set, serving their own needs.

It’s time to set ourselves free!



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I want simplicity
Life gives me chaos
Things dying
being born
I know nothing

It seems Life is determined to get me out of my head and into my heart. It’s not comfortable. And, at the same time it feels just right. To let this moment lead me to the next thing. Not reacting to, but a deep listening within. What wants to come through me in this moment, be embodied, acted on. … bypassing my head into Being.

Life as I knew it is gone. I feel as if I’m in kindergarten. Who would have thought LOL!