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I want simplicity
Life gives me chaos
Things dying
being born
I know nothing

It seems Life is determined to get me out of my head and into my heart. It’s not comfortable. And, at the same time it feels just right. To let this moment lead me to the next thing. Not reacting to, but a deep listening within. What wants to come through me in this moment, be embodied, acted on. … bypassing my head into Being.

Life as I knew it is gone. I feel as if I’m in kindergarten. Who would have thought LOL!


  1. Simplicity? That ship has sailed years ago. This entire Earth is an elementary school an much of humanity is conducting itself like kindergarteners. You are in excellent company.

  2. Debbie Call says

    For me it’s a life long journey to include my heart when my head wants to dominate!

  3. I so love and appreciate how you surrender to the constants in life.

  4. Lee Ann Austin says

    My dog of over 12 years old just died. the grief this triggered was tremendous. The idea I have held onto about life is not beneficial to endure the suffering: If I do the right thing I will have no problems. So I have let that go along with my precious friend Matilda. Joyful suffering and suffering joy seem to be the totality of being present. My feelings are all over the place. I am letting them flow freely and staying present in the moment. Love is like that now. My ideals have been eclipsed by reality once again. So be it. Acceptance and doing what makes sense are the only strategy for me.

  5. Love this. Beginner’s Mind.

  6. Linda Bourquin says

    You are not in kindergarten, although I am sure you feel like that sometimes. So do I. We will get there. <3

  7. I love this!
    (Being in kindergarten sounds ok to me.)