The Void

The past months
Flying by
Thoughts come
And go

Everything is happening
Nothing is happening
How can that be?
I’m left with just “this”

The “now” of it
It’s changing so fast
I’m forced to let go, and
Then, peace reveals itself

I’ve not written in the past few months. It’s not that things haven’t happened. A cousin getting cancer, friends needing help with health issues, a sister with CO poisoning, world events, endless political drama, overload of emails, Russia/Ukraine, and it goes on and on and on.

But as I learn to let it all go, pay attention to what’s in front of me, and listen to what I’m called to follow up on, something has been shifting. There’s a peace in all the chaos. Sometimes I think there must be something wrong with me that I’m not more upset…but I’m not.

Is this the “Peace beyond understanding”…the one that comes from inside, from that wiser place?


  1. ‘Is this the “Peace beyond understanding”…the one that comes from inside, from that wiser place?’ Ya, I think so, although for me it’s a rich and nourishing space rather than a void. [Perhaps I misunderstood the title here….]

  2. Kathleen M Matthews says

    Thanks for reminding me……

  3. Enjoy the peace as it reveals itself! Peace feels so good!

  4. Kathy Kelly says

    Whew, you nailed it again. I find peace from avoiding the news, getting outside more and interacting with friends and family-no phones allowed.
    The leaves are starting to fall and seasonal changes remind me of some type of order in the universe and that’s a comfort.

  5. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of awareness to catch myself spinning, but each time I do, the joy of reconnecting with . . . I have no one name for it (some call it the boundless, some call it nondual reality) . . . reminds me where home really is.

  6. Lee Ann Austin says

    Your writing gives me cold chills due to its truth. Yes I believe it is the Peace that passes all understanding. The Center of you in the center of all. I like your listening inside for your part. I looked for your writing today I could feel it had come forth. Love and Power to you

    • Also I live the void as your title because that’s how it initially feels to be ther unit until the Revelation of truth comes. Then the fullness feeds the Peace and creates more love. More and more truth which expands and fuels the rest of the searching souls like yourself. It really is contagious and inspires