
Physical distancing,
not social distancing.
People are not threats.
Fear, a tax, depleting
our country.

Written in response to the Chalkboard prompt “Taxes” by Kathy Jacobs. Thank you to all those who make this adventure possible!

Words matter. They create images in our minds. They trigger unconscious fears that then connect to the words/ideas being popularized.

Pay attention to the seeding of this new norm: that social or personal contact with another human being is dangerous; that internet connections are safe, easy and essentially the same.

Using the word “social” distancing is deliberate. It connects being with others to being in danger. It plays on our fears of being vulnerable.

Also deliberate is the promotion of technological solutions to connecting e.g, texting, Instagram, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google etc. All of these and many more are touted as the new normal. The implication is that this is how you will have relationships the future. To a generation being weaned on their cell phones, this will seem totally natural and obvious. So what is wrong with it?

Relationships are messy. Dealing with feelings unavoidable. Whereas with texting, and in most internet exchanges, you can avoid dealing with them. You can shift gears, disconnect, not answer questions/concerns, scream at without dealing with the consequences.… You can even multitask while you “talk.” You don’t have to learn the interpersonal skills needed to deal with feelings face to face. You don’t have to be vulnerable. Relying on technology for relationships comes with a cost.

We are facing choices about our future. What will we do when “this” is over? I’m voting to maintain messy social connections, and to our developing the conscious heart connections that make us human.

P.S. Technology has its place. But the point I’m making is it’s just “a place.”


  1. Lee Ann Austin says

    AMEN. I am waiting for the mother ship to become visible and to beam up all the tech addicts who have proven to accept isolation and absence of intimacy as achieving success. The disconnection and the cold anonymous expression via digital is increasing depression and other mental disorders associated with having no true love and human connection. The heart is wise and knows what it needs. Warmth, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and lovingkindness are vital for love to grow and joy to rise up. Peace within is necessary for humans to survive in the presence of fear mongering and hate baiting. Be still and know your true Being. Hear the silent voice of Christ within you and do not be attached to the current insanity-inhumanity being dished out by the corpocracy/ hypo-crazy. Each of us is free to choose our spirit.

  2. Thank you, dear Barbara, for the acknowledgment of how fear-inducing mainstream media language can be. It’s so true that being face-to-face requires greater vulnerability and using skills to connect us with others more. Not hiding behind a screen!
    I’m actually realizing how much I’m READY for greater interaction, hugs, being in a group of people, and sharing intimacy. By having this quasi-isolation time, I have created quite a bit. All this provides CONTRAST, nudging me toward deeper relationships. Somehow.