
When your heart breaks open again,
Do you go to hate?
Or, do you surrender?
When there’s one more negative headline, a shooting, a rant,
Does despair start filling you? Do you drown? Or,
Can you shift and reach out,
letting the Light fill you.

When the negativity, the violence, the anger of others overwhelms you, what do you do? Many stop reading/listening to the news and social media. Others move into a “fighting back” mode. Some let fear drive them into withdrawing from life because nothing seems to matter, nothing is safe anymore.

I’m learning to use another option. Suzanne Giesemann* talks about learning to “Shift.” When I start focusing on the negative, or when despair or fear arises, I notice, and tell myself “Shift!”. I can then change my point of view from “this is awful” to “isn’t that interesting?” I then ask my higher self (God, my guardian angel, my guides) “What is the best reaction to this situation?” I breath, focus on my heart and just listen. Sometimes I get a response right away, other times I just get the peace of shifting into the Light.

Other times when I say to myself “Shift!” I take some deep breaths. I smile. And, I consciously choose to let the Light /Divine grace and God’s Love flow through me. I consciously choose to remember that I AM one with Mother/Father God. I am not alone.

Both of these work. Lately I’ve found many opportunities to use them.
Sometimes I have to say “Shift” to myself 40 x a day LOL! Yet, I know with practice, I’ll live there.

May we all live in gratitude, peace and love. Choose to enjoy this moment of Life. It’s a gift we are given.

* or


  1. Lee Ann Austin says

    I’m practicing the “Shift” and it works. Have to catch my old habit of saying a similar sounding word instead. Funny how the new is built upon the old like the pyramids

  2. yes. to all of the above.

  3. Debbie Call says

    Beautifully said, Barbara! I need this for sure.

  4. Amen!

  5. Kathy Kelly says

    A timely reminder, which I need. Hearing my own voice always gets my attention and a shift can come naturally.