Letting go of what doesn’t serve you.

What am I letting go of?

Not being true to myself.
Fear of being vulnerable,
of being hurt

It’s easy to say this. But I’ve learned over the past year it’s hard to do. For starters, I have to really listen to who I am vs. what I’ve been conditioned to believe or what I perceive to be the expectations of others. But progress has been made, and it is time.

So this I am letting go of, and I’m opening to the new and what’s possible for me. And so it is!


  1. Kathleen M Matthews says

    Yes, yes, yes!
    And (as usual) you inspire me to look at this – what to let go of (in addition to what to move toward). Many Blessing to you in the New Year, my friend.

  2. You are the person who first introduced me to The Work with Byron Katie. I like what she says about letting go. You can’t do it, she says. If you could let go, you already would’ve let go. All we can do is to investigate our stressful beliefs, then THEY LET GO OF US! love, Claud

  3. Hooray to a new year and new experiences!!

  4. Lee Ann Austin says

    I’m letting go of “I don’t know” and letting in “ I want to know”. From that small space I then do go within my Self and watch the show. It’s always another addition of the series “What I Really Want” and I always love doing it!!! Happy New Year and may your heart live freely apart from the calendar