Joy – musings


Bubbles up
Riding in the car,
Sun, blue skies.

When least expected,
hanging out,
watching people…
It comes

deep inside my chest.
I turn to look,
to hold on.

It evaporates…

So, why do I want
such a shy
fickle friend?

Because when joy
Fills me,
~everything else~

This year I found a window decoration that says “Joy.”   I had rejected the plastic renderings that said peace. Peace describes the absence of something…no conflict, no war…but for most folks,  it’s a wish, stopping short of painting a picture of what could be.

I rejected the Angels outlined in white lights. Angels watching over us, hovering nearby to aid when needed. No, while I suspect Angels are hovering nearby, they aren’t reduced to two dimensions in my front window this year.

I couldn’t find a candle I liked. I love the idea of light shining in the darkness with hope. But alas, the ones I found were puny.

No, it was the red and green lights saying “Joy” that captured my heart. That elusive feeling that brings me into the now. The feeling that, when present, shows everything as beautiful. The feeling that if I try to grab on, to understand, it goes away.

So, JOY shines in my window, reminding me each evening to pay attention and notice what arises unbidden, to not grab, to stop controlling and just be.

I wish you all a bubbling moment of JOY!


  1. I love it! A mindful message at a time often cluttered with the opposite ;-). Thank you.

  2. Reminds me of the chant: “She changes everything she touches, and everything She touches changes.” Do you know it?