
I resist all the endings
the last joint tax return
vanishing the tools

fear that if the physical
is gone so will be
his memory that now rests

in my heart.
Not rational
but then fear isn’t.

It lays under
the ordinaries of life
as you work to move on,

Reminding you
life will never
be the same.


  1. What a treasure you are! With deep gratitude and love.

  2. Kathleen Matthews says

    Big hug to you, my dear friend…

  3. Lee Ann Austin says

    Perfect love casteth out all fear. God is love. Remember that there is nothing you can do to remove God from your life or from your world. Joseph sent that to me from the other side soon after he left this side. I am not sure there even are two sides any more. It is all ONE and we are all connected. LOVE to YOU, Sister.

  4. Your mentioning ‘fear’ reminded me of a quote from CS Lewis. Inexactly: I never knew that grief feels so like fear.
    Your lives were entwined for so long, so deeply; how could all of this be anything other than hard? ….or that’s what Reason tells me.
    Thinking of you so often– sorry so bad about email (though I did send one today.)

  5. Sending you a big virtual HUG as you travel the bumpy road of grief. ❤️

  6. Barbara
    It is time to move on.
    You have another life waiting for you.
    Reach out and grab it.

  7. Barb Ardell says

    There is no rule about what needs to go. You are free to hold onto things even if it seems impractical. Sorry this is so hard for you. Love, Barb

  8. Love you.