Liminal* space

Space opening up
a quiet “isness”
just being

Not yet being called
Learning to follow
the inner prompt

Not knowing the
“whys” behind

Letting the feelings
guide to a deeper

Trusting life’s
of me

*A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next.’ It is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing.

I’m aware things are shifting. It would be easy to live in my head, to not trust the urgings to explore. Yet, every time I pay attention to what I am experiencing and go where it leads, I end up freer.
Sometimes a belief or conclusion I’m carrying that is untrue and limiting surfaces. Sometimes I feel an inner urging to do something that doesn’t make a lot of sense to my mind. Sometimes later, I see what that experience gave me; sometimes I don’t.

Life is for us…We are given all we need to live fully and be who we are created to be. Sometimes the gift is clothed in a challenge, sometimes in a pretty box, and sometimes it’s living in liminal space.


  1. Kathleen Matthews says

    So much wisdom here. Thank you!

  2. Claudia says

    It is a different life when I’m on my own, making my own decisions and choices minute to minute. Very different than sharing life with a partner, even a most cherished partner. Such a different life.

  3. So glad you were created to be part of my family!

  4. Lee Ann Austin says

    Did you make this word up? I really love it. For several weeks I have been there in transition, allowing an old principle to fade away and be replaced with a much more possible and realistic principle to guide me toward my wholeness and well being. Bill Clinton raised eyebrows when he stated, ” That depends on what the meaning of is is.” Transition is a cool process that takes much courage and, for me, time alone. I want to change and to stay on my spiritual path of acceptance and mindfulness, action and response to what is within the realm of what is possible. I have asked too much of myself over the years and have allowed others to ask too much of me. That’s OK. I made it. My relationship with my insides is what is most important to me now. Cleaning up a lot of old misconceptions and ridding myself of old emotional rubbish. Feels free and liberating.
    Have had you on my mind several times recently. Love, Lee Ann