Tripped by An Angel

The fall happened,
pain seared through
the already injured
shoulder, another skin tear.

The world shifted.
Is this it, the unsteadiness
the weakness
the pain?

But dawn came.
There’s a follow-up with
the chiropractor
this morning, perfect!

The skin tear, we’re out
anyway, let’s visit the
Wound Doctor
on the way home.

He finds the blood blister
we’ve been ignoring.
Necrotic he says.

Without the fall
without that shoulder visit
without that skin tear
we’d not have known.

An angel tripped him.
led us along to find the
perfect help before it was
too late.



I am  reminded how we are being helped, not always in the way we expect. But, always moving us, blessing us.  Like the parable of the Chinese farmer, you can’t judge an event without knowing the whole picture. The one we never have at the moment. Good comes from the terrible. Just when we think we’ve got it made, something happens.

We’re on the roller coaster of life, to judge is to add suffering to the ride. In stead we could stay in the “wow” as Ram Dass recently said. Wow, look at this! I wonder what’s next?