Living the mystery

“Scientists live in mystery every day of our lives … People are uncomfortable not knowing, not the scientists. I’m fine. We don’t know what it is. [We] keep checking it out.” astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson*

Living with not knowing
Not assuming what others think
or what their past has been
Not judging good or evil
Not comparing self to others.

Worries reveal themselves as imaginary
From the middle of disaster, compassion is shown
After cruelty, forgiveness cracks open hearts
Our wounds source our growth
Nothing is entirely as it seems.

Everything real is now
It’s going on in this moment
Act if you’re called, but don’t rest
keep checking, always
knowing you don’t.



  1. Lee Ann Austin says

    Creation; C reation

    Reaction; Rea C tion

    C is the difference

    C ing is the difference. Accepting is the solution to not knowing.