
Peaking out at the new year
what will come?
what will leave?

Feeling the keys
under my fingers
waiting for just the
next step.

Wishing for all of us
the ability to rest in our Center, in
the eye of any storm that comes.

I cannot stop the suffering, the
traumas, the hurts of others.
I can wish them peace.

I cannot stop the losses
the endings,
the changes that come.

I can wish us all the ability to
to know we are more than
what we thought we needed.

May we know the love and support
that surrounds us,
see the beauty in everything
Be open to the Grace that flows to us.

Here’s to the new year!

*To Life!


  1. thank you, Barbara, for reminding me of what is true

  2. I’m with Claudia. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  3. Lee Ann Austin says

    Thank you for the good will. Just read Joseph’s letter he sent in Nov. 2016 about the creative process and being present/noticing when I am not present. Also, about taking time to envision how I want things to be after I have accepted how they already are in the present and doing what makes sense. I am going to keep functioning on that level on purpose as much as possible. Love to you, Barbara.

  4. Kathleen Matthews says


  5. This is a masterful spiritual remedy in loving, allowing love and just being. Your growth is astounding Barbara! Stay open and continue giving,,,