Still There, Still Here

I want to be accepted as I am
My sadness, happiness, anger
Should not shame me
How I am, not how you need me
Not your projections, not
Your judgments

But what if I don’t accept myself?
If I don’t feel my body, it’s
Tightness, it’s pain
If I don’t notice my feelings
Or ask what I need—
I don’t exist.

I still battle going numb, not valuing myself, not noticing myself let alone connecting to others.
I fall into care taking, performing, helping others achieve.

Every time I cycle through this, at the end, I breathe. I let myself “be me” a little more. And, I start another new day.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Cages or wings?
Which do you prefer?
Ask the birds.

Fear or love, baby?
Don’t say the answer
Actions speak louder than words.”
Jonathan Larson – Louder Than Words

May you fly today. May gratitude and faith in possibilities keep you afloat.

Happy Thanksgiving!

COVID19, BLACK LIVES MATTER…my words have left me.

I’ve been too overwhelmed with it all to write, thinking it’s already been said, or it doesn’t matter, or that I just don’t have the words. The questions seem to abound.

Re: COVID19- What is really true? What is really known and what is still being understood. What’s politically motivated or self serving? What is freedom? Where do personal freedom and compassion intersect? Isn’t living in fear worse the getting the virus?
Re: Black Lives Matter- Somethings were too painful to watch the first time, do I really want to talk about it again? What can you say that isn’t more dividing? How can you stop generalizing to everyone in a perceived group? Do people really want to understand “racism,” systemic bias, our history?
And what about the creative process? I’ve been asked, “Isn’t focusing on all the violence, discrimination, white superiority etc., just giving more energy to what you don’t want?

So this may be the first of a series as I sort through my answers, letting the feelings flow over me and the thoughts swirl.

I’ve come to realize and value letting myself feel the feelings as opposed to pushing them down. This has been, and is, a major part of moving through this complicated time; breathing through the feelings, not getting lost in them. And being overwhelmed at times seems like it is part of being human….and, I’m realizing, that includes me.

I also know that I can choose to live in heaven or hell right now. When I choose to see the possibilities, the genuine care of many, and when I trust that love is stronger than hate and fear, I live in heaven.

And finally, I believe these times are sacred and we are being given an opportunity to sift through what is happening, work together in ways we may never have before and arrive at a place we haven’t yet imagined.

I hope you’ll stay tuned. I know I will. LOL!


I walked
this morning
bare feet on grass
numbing with the cold

Fall is here
less light to
wake me, less
to give me energy

The desire
to hibernate
growing stronger
with each shorter day

Cycles of life
Can I pay attention
to the call of what is?

from Cincinnati Enquirer
from Cincinnati Enquirer

I’m noticing I have preconceived ideas of how I should be and of what I should be doing. Ideas of what is socially acceptable, expected, the cultural norm.

Probably my whole life I’ve done what I thought I should, what was right. Now I just want to do what is mine to do. Listening to my inner voice, not always have reasons to back it up. Trusting!

Cincinnati is the host of Blink, a light based art festival covering 30 city blocks. How can I not want to see what will undoubtedly be fantastic art? But I don’t. I’ve revisited my reluctance numerous times until finally I got the message:

Accept what is. You don’t want to go!


Questions drive me
What am I?
What am I not?
What do I know is true?

Moving away from
those who proclaim to know
I’m listening to a different voice.

One deep inside
that whispers next steps
demands my unconditional yes
reveals my deepest heartfelt desires

One demanding
I strip bare, stepping away
from my conditioned self to

Sculpture by Debbie Flowers

seek the truth of where
my ideas have come from.
Examining the unexamined,
trusting myself, risk going it alone.

Our world is too much run by fear
too much by the conditioning of others,
the norms they’ve set, serving their own needs.

It’s time to set ourselves free!

Illusion Confusion

What am I trusting?
overwhelmed with images
words that divide,
categorize, demean

pulling out of my own
what do i trust
whom do i trust

the world is filled with
pain, alienation, hunger
for not just food but
love, acceptance

looking out, looking in
emotional tornadoes
swirling dust
blocking vision

Only now, writing
do I remember
Focus on what is true
One Life, One Love

And know that Love
brings us through
lifts us up and ALWAYS
guides us if we listen.

In my head, my mind can’t figure it all out. Reading/watching the news is disorienting at best, painful at worst. The chaos, the push toward separation, excluding “the other”, blame, anger, racism, sexism, and more “isms” than I can learn. The suffering of those surviving floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, children at borders, that face of the woman hunched in the doorway lost, scared, hopeless…

Overwhelmed, my mind stops functioning. Fear starts to rise. My ego “i” can’t handle it.
I’m reminded I have to stop, go in and listen for that still, small Voice. The voice of God, Divine Intelligence, the Universe, unconditional love, Christ… I need to remember what is most important and trust it will lead me to right action. Trust….such a small word, such a huge shift in being.

“D” is for…

I used to check
my calendar
for names:

B for birthday
AN for anniversary–
triggers to send a card

to remember
how our lives

When did I start
putting “D” by names?
It’s aging they say,
loss is part of it.

But knowing doesn’t
soften the sharp edges
of the missing pieces.

“God fills the holes”
“Reinvent yourself”
“Time to turn inward….”

But I stare at the “D”s
and wonder….

by the mystery,

the fragility,
the preciousness
of Life.


Acceptance or Need vs. Love

I need you
to love me!
The death knell of
of relationship.

It closes off
seeing the other,
kills the curiosity
the joy in difference.

Needing hardens
the heart already
damaged by wounds
long forgotten

Needing is fear in
disguise, a spiritual
hole we look to be filled
by someone out there.

Accepting the loss
the familial love
we never had
frees us

Only then
can I love you
without demands that
you be anything but who your are.

Embracing it all

I didn’t expect the anger
Memorial Day
I finally got it
I was alone
I didn’t like it.

I was surprised
thought I was done
moving forward,
instead was pushing
down what I hated.

beneath me.
I removed myself
slightly, from life

Denial can’t coexist
with life, pulls you away.
I starting dropping things
worrying about decisions
blind to the growing congestion.

Until I could feel….I’m angry,
and just let it be – no more, no less.
Experiencing life
simply as it is,
Enjoying the ride.

A year of grief and mourning

A year of grief and mourning*, what I’ve learned.

“…grief is the emotional reaction/response to loss, mourning is the process one undertakes to deal with the void that is now left.

Grief is what you think and feel inside when someone you loves dies. It’s the numbness, sadness, anger, regret, all rolled up into one. It’s the pain in your gut and a hole in your chest.”

Grief is the constellation of internal thoughts and feelings we have when someone we love dies. Mourning is when you take the grief you have on the inside and express it outside of yourself. “ Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.

In no particular order:
1. I learned I had to forgive myself over and over again for things I did, and for things I didn’t or couldn’t do. Especially at the end, seeing him hurting and not being able to do anything. Telling myself I should have known or could have done better.
I had to confront that part of me that thinks I should be perfect, that I can control everything, that being human is optional.

2. I’m still learning to get used to the void, the space he filled with his just being there, e.g., the long evenings alone, the drives without him by my side…
I’ve become conscious of the temptation to numb out with food/drink, with buying things, or just with staying busy so I don’t have to feel.

3. I was surprised at how incredibly vulnerable I can feel as I learn to do the things I depended on him for: getting a new garage door or finding a electrician. People kindly reminded me that there are those who will take advantage of widows/single women. Everything can seem suddenly overwhelming and scary. I’m learning to do things anyway.

4. I’m continuing to discover who I am without the title and roles of wife, mother, caretaker, partner. The questions of “What do I want?” or “How do I want to live?” don’t have easy, quick answers. I’m learning patience.

5. Learning what counts: I felt guilty getting rid of the things he used his whole life, the things he loved and spent time and energy on: his music, books, furniture. I had to remember he was not his things, and I’m learning I’m not mine.

6. Learning not-knowing: I still wonder if the things we did together, the camping, riding bikes, traveling back roads, will ever be a part of my life again. Will I do them alone? Find a group ? Or, will they too be another loss?

7. I learned there are dry periods where nothing seems interesting, where crowds are a burden. I learned to accept sometimes I just don’t have the energy to engage outside myself.

8.I found out how much his support and belief in me carried me along. I’ve had to deal with all the old messages that “being me” wasn’t enough. I thought I had conquered these old messages. It was humbling to see the way they roared to life again.

But as the old fears of separation, rejection, not being good enough surfaced over and over again, I learned to be with them. To stop telling stories about them (you know the kind: how you grew up, the hurts along the way…) and just let them pass through. Acceptance has freed me to experience life as it is, learning that this moment is all I will ever have.

9. And most importantly, I’ve learned that the love I had with Joseph is still with me. I’m coming to believe our love (as is everyone’s) was a reflection of God’s love that resides in each of us. It’s about learning to go inside and connect, to know you really aren’t ever alone.

A year, a milestone, not an ending.

*This post focuses on my grieving for my husband Joseph (5/22/2017), but many of these experiences were a part of my grieving for my daughter Kelly (5/12/2016). You don’t go through grief just once. Every loss has it’s own time and process. It comes and goes. Lasts as long as it does.