At Last

All the flying
bumping into things
being screamed at
knocked down by rain…
yet, we kept going.

They mated on my driveway. I’m not sure it was the most romantic setting but then again I don’t think that was one of their criteria. If there was a thought, it was probably more like “Wow, we survived. Let’s get it together.” True, it was less a choice and more of being driven instinctively to come together and propagate. Still, it made me reflect.

I wonder if I’m drawn in some unconscious way to ensure the survival of our human species? Is there some instinct or guidance system operating that hasn’t been distorted by my capacity to think; to focus on “me” (my health, wealth, importance, happiness), on my tribe/class/group? Is our ability to not care about the human species as a whole a flaw or just a developmental step while we consciously figure out that we are all in this together?

What we do today affects others and will affect the life of future generations. The question is, deep down, do we really care? Care enough to really change, be inconvenienced and uncomfortable. To really care what happens half way across the world let alone the other side of the city. Do we, I, care enough?

The Gift

The curtains part 
And, for a moment,
I get to fly
To feel the sun
Touch another's face
Know the precious freedom
of being here

(Poem written in response to the prompt “curtains,” by Kathy Jacobs.)

I’ve been fascinated with the emerging cicadas this week. At first, when I saw only one, started to wonder if it was lonely. Then slowly there were more, and finally lots more. I knew soon it would be cacophony of sound and then, after mating they would die.

There more I contemplated what was happening, it seemed they were here to mirror our own journey. The limitations and the possibilities. With cicadas, I can step back and see the whole story. So it is with reverence I think I’ll be writing more about cicadas.

In the meantime, can you find your own mirror in nature…something you can see the cycle of? Can you consider learning from that which we declare less than us?

Reunion…and then there’s people


Letting go of others’
expectations and beliefs
I’m finally coming
home to my self.

Poem written in response to the Chalkboard prompt “reunion” by Chris Coolsma. 9.3.20

And then there’s people.* That relationship, the one that leaves you wanting a glass of wine or two or three.

The problem with “coming” is you aren’t there yet. You’re in that in-between space where you aren’t where you were, but you haven’t arrived to that place where you fly consistently from you inner guidance.

When I arrive, I believe I’ll be able to be with others without judgment, without defense. I resist the idea that I may move on and leave them. Why? Is it fear of being alone? Self-judgement because I should be able to hang with anyone? I mean Jesus did, didn’t He?

Maybe I’m not accepting others where they are, maybe I’m still trying to tweak them just enough so there’s no rub. Maybe, maybe, maybe….

Awash in “maybes,” I’m going to stop, breath and accept the not knowing. Get out of my head and trust it’s just the way it is right now. I know if I’m to see something or to do something, it will come to me. I just keep forgetting.

*no this isn’t you.

What Matters

Black lives, Gay lives, Mexican lives, Native American lives, women’s lives, men’s lives, all of God’s creations MATTER! When will we learn to see!

If you have to be on top it’s because you fear you are on the bottom. If difference scares you, angers you, makes you uncomfortable, you doubt your own life choices/beliefs.

If we assume we deserve what we have, it’s because we think we are separate from each other; that our work is independent of other’s efforts, of God’s grace. We live as victims in fear of poverty, hell, getting it wrong. We try to rise to the top through control, dominance, wealth…

Race is a myth to rationalize the horrors, the economic benefit to those who are deemed white.
The past has been distorted, not taught, diminished.

Yes, it hurts to see. But we must! And then ask, “What now?” What can WE become if we open to our oneness in God, with nature, to each other, with our inherent goodness. What if we are willing to face our own deepest fears? Is this just a soft naive feminine dream?

from Center for Spiritual Living Great Cincinnati

Can I not close my heart to those who kneel, who kneel on, who kneel before? Can I not close my heart to those who think their skin, their religion, their beliefs gives them inherent worth? Can I not turn what scares ME into “the other.”

Can I, can we, be more?

We can’t go back to normal. We can’t…….so, what is mine to do now?


[When we don’t like what is going on in our lives, around us….]


What if where we are is exactly
where we’re supposed to be?

The result of past decisions and
beliefs we held so dearly as true…

It’s the chance for us to really look,
to see clearly what we’ve co-created

and choose differently.

Everything I react to is but a mirror
of the inner world I live in.

Reacting is seeded in fear,
my world, my self, what I care about
is threatened.

Only Love can respond anew.

Love can say “no, stop, enough”…
but love never loses itself in rage or fear.

Love knows the God spark
in every situation,
in everyone,
in me.

What if we are exactly where
we’re supposed to be?


Thoughts of you
love, intense fire
missing you
until I remember
the deeper truth.

I carry that love,
your reflection of
the sacred
in that small space
in my heart, my soul.

You now connect me
when I forget who I am
forget who we all are
my connection to Source
our connection forever.


Note: formerly published at Medium in response to a writing prompt:

Shame repressed

He had to go
for me to grow.
Sheltered by his love
Buoyed by his support

my own self doubt,
self hatred was repressed,
waiting to emerge
with a roar.

Puzzled by my pulling in,
my numbing out at night.
Feeling as if I didn’t want
to go on alone.

The self rejection had surfaced
muddying everything
I saw.

I didn’t feel worthy to be
held and comforted.
I didn’t feel worthy of God’s
love, of my own love.

I was the
seven year old
feeling lost and alone

and I got it!

Epilogue: I’d been getting the message from Joseph that I shouldn’t attache the love I felt for him, and from him, to him. That it was a reflection of the Divine Love we embody. My head understood the words, but my heart didn’t believe it. I prayed to understand.

I didn’t understand until I learned that what we repress waits for our attention and for release. The repressed shame was trying to get my attention.  I saw where I was stuck (yes, a seven year old) and I could let it go.  A feeling of peace I haven’t felt for months descended.  I am blessed. I am thankful.

Reading Headlines

A somber evolutionary thought.
When life becomes an Instagram opportunity,
or a chance to tweet a one liner,
our ability to hold complexity and interrelationship
diminishes in proportion to our need for publicity.

Diminishes with our seeking answers that fit with what
we believe we know to be true and worth defending.
So Creation appears to stall as we battle it out,
when maybe, it’s really weeding out the weak links.
And just maybe, right now, the human race is one.

But this should have a happy ending, an inspirational
cuddle to make us hopeful and feel safe.
But God allows nature to evolve, species that
can’t adapt to living in relationship and
diversity die out.

Plants, animals, amphibians are humble.
They play their role, dying so another can live.
Accepting what is, they find ways to co-exist,
and even to thrive off each other without destroying
the whole…..
We’ve got a lot to learn….Are you willing ?

Can we stay curious, let go of cherished beliefs?
Stand the ground of not knowing: break open?
Connect with those who see the opposite?
Trust a third way will emerge if we can let go of being right?
It’s then that the Joy of Life can move through us.
The ultimate  “happy ending.”

Old haunts and hauntings

I drive down 31E through Ky
into TN remembering the lush
farmlands, the quiet countryside,
and I feel him beside me.

I go to WPAF Base to reassure
myself that my military ID is still good.
I walk the aisles of the Commissary
and I feel him, hear his commentary.

The “Old Haunts” where we were
Just together, doing everyday things.
His presence, I feel it, and then
my mind reminds me that will change.

The memory will fade.
The feeling of him will dissipate
as if he’s merely a ghost haunting me.
Stop! I bring myself back into now.

I let him be here with me.
I give up trying to know, as least
for a nano second, what’s next.
I stop trying to make sense of it all.

Right now it is enough to
feel my love for him
from him
and let it be.

Twenty Questions

Twenty questions*
* A workshop exercise we used to use to help people get past the superficial answers, only the question was “who am I”. This “Twenty Questions” comes from the concern of friends and family. What do I say…..

How are you? I don’t know
How are you? Here. No that’s good, really.
How are you? Thinking
How are you? Getting things done
How are you? Feeling supported
How are you? Grateful, I had him for so long
How are you? Noticing the silence
How are you? Getting things done
How are you? Grateful for my friends
How are you? Wondering how the bed got sooo big
How are you? Trying to remember how to buy food for one
How are you? I just am
How are you? I don’t know, sad
How are you? Weeding the garden
How are you? My back hurts
How are you? Trying to sleep through the night
How are you? Peaceful
How are you? Wanting to make sure others’ needs are met
How are you? Waiting for death certificates
How are you? It’s just the beginning, I don’t know

The journey continues….I feel supported, loved. I am blessed!